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You were my cool aunt. Take me on one more drive, let’s go see the sunset and buy some iced tea. Please wait for me wherever you are.


We still walk along side by side, he on his side of the universe and I on mine.

Jan McDaniel

You will remain my baby boy forevermore


Until we meet again, my grumpy old man. You are forever in my heart.💚


You will be loved and remembered.❤️


I miss you Dad.  😥xx💔


I know everything has a beginning and ending. Let’s be clear my love for you will never end.


Forever loved, you fought courageously.


Sadly Missed.


I love you more ❤️


I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river.
To me you’re everything that exists; the reality of everything.

Virginia Woolf

Your absence has gone through me like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color.

WS Merwin

You never said goodbye.

Suzanne and Paul

This world was never meant for
One as beautiful as you.

Don McLean

I miss you, my friend, forever in my heart. ❤️

You are the love of my life and I miss you more than words could ever say. Thank you for all you did for me and for loving me.


beautiful soul is never forgotten. 


Your life and death won’t be without meaning. … If even one life can be saved from telling our story, then the ripples of your legacy, your life and even your loss will be without end.

Deborah Greene

A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, to achieve anything worthwhile, a person should attempt even those things that may turn out to be impossible.

Robert Browning

He was first to be there with a warm hug, a smile, or some off-the-wall joke or one-liner that would instantly raise our spirits. That’s who my son was.


I pray that God cradles you in his arms while you rest in eternal peace.


Something that is loved is never lost.

Toni Morrison

No one will ever know the weight of the pain that took you away…

Candace, Rhyker & Everly

He had the biggest heart you could imagine.


I was still the boy on your shoulders, and when you disappeared, I fell.


My Beloved Master Luke! You are my forever son, and I am your forever father.


I only miss you when I’m breathing.


Together til eternity 💙💕

Big Mo

One day, I hope to only think of the good, but for now, I struggle with the why.

Laurie E

I have passed the mountain peak. My soul is soaring in the firmament of complete and unbounded freedom. I am in comfort. I am in peace.

Kahlil Gibran

Your easy beautiful smile that would light up a room and your gentle heart will never be forgotten. We carry you with us, always and forever. Until we meet again. We love you.


We loved each other more than anyone would ever know.


Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.


I have never loved someone so much, nor grieved their loss so much. You were my everything.


You are there. I am here. Worlds separate us. … Yet I say your name, and waves of light wash to me silently from your heart.


But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day and head back to the Milky Way?


Fly high my precious baby,
and though I wish that you could stay.
I know you are finally at peace,
and I will see you again someday.


In the gardens of memory, in the palace of dreams, that is where you and I shall meet.

Lewis Carroll

In a field of roses, you are a beautiful smiling sunflower with a heart of gold.


A huge piece of our life is gone with your passing.


He is a special light!


They didn’t know him, yet they honored him with their words and tears. In their minds, how he died bore less importance than that he died.

In Shock

You were who I aspire to be. Now I’ll carry on for both of us.


She never showed any signs. She was always happy. Her smile lit up the room.

Heartbroken Daughter

I can’t carry you in my arms but I can carry your legacy and how I live my life.


Go in peace, my beautiful nephew. 


Although your music stopped, the melody softly lingers.


For as long as we live
they too shall live
for they are now a part of us
as we remember them.

Jewish Prayer

Time travel me back.
Let me say good-bye again.
A minute more,
a moment,
a chance to see . . .

Sarah Crossan, "Moonrise"

I’m gonna love you till my heart stops beating.

Carol McCoy

May you find the peace in heaven that you searched for so long to find here on earth.


You are my greatest gift!


We love you so much and have cried many tears.


Thank you for the joy and inspiration you brought into our lives. You were a great man – a great artist – a great friend and a great father.


No One Else Can Play Your Part.

Wendy Wenger

You always watched over me as my dad, you were the best!! And now you continue to watch over me as my angel. I will forever be your sunshine and you will forever be in my heart ♥


Greatly loved, deeply missed, and in our hearts forever. A beautiful soul is never forgotten. 


I could not follow you to Viet Nam. I cannot follow you now. Although at times I want to. … I will pick up your missions of P.O.W. and M.I.A. And help honor you. I wish you would have stayed.

Sharon, Your Loving Sis

We love you and know we will be together one day.


You will always be a part of me that I hold dearly.


Much loved. Much missed. Forever in our hearts.

Susan Auerbach

I was forever changed when you came into my life, and forever changed again when you left.


I will forever be your sunshine and you will forever be in my heart ♥


I’ll see you on the other side, brotha!


Love you to infinity and beyond ❤️

Broken Hearted Forever

My mom was my best friend I could talk to her about any and everything.


I will always be grateful for the time we had. I will love you always & forever ♾️


I thought of you today
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
I think of you in silence,
I often speak your name.


I am forever broken by your departure from this world.


As much as I miss you, I’m thankful for what you taught me while you were here, and what you’re continuing to teach me now that you’re gone.

Holly Riordan

Forever in my heart


You always put everyone else before yourself and thought you could fix everyone, but you forgot about yourself.


Your girls love and miss u so much.


Forever in our hearts, gone but never forgotten!


I want to let you know, that I’ve stopped wishing I could die. Instead, I seek to honor your life by continuing to live mine in the best way I know how.


Death takes the body. God takes the soul.

Kelly Treehouse

When the music’s over, turn out the lights.

Jim Morrison

I will forever miss you. I need you every second of everyday.


We shall never be ashamed of your choice, just heartbroken forever.
